
Stwierdzenie nabycia spadku i co dalej?

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Roszczenie o zachowek

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Spadek na podstawie testamentu

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Kto dziedziczy spadek ustawowo?

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Jak nieletni może odrzucić spadek?

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Jak wykazać, że jest się spadkobiercą?

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Jak uzyskać adwokata z urzędu?

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Jak odrzucić spadek?

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Dobry adwokat – czyli jaki?

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Darmowe porady adwokata i radcy prawnego

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About us

We are a team of lawyers whose main objective is to provide comprehensive legal assistance in solving problems encountered by our individual and corporate clients.

Our main concern is to understand and identify the Clients' needs which allows to work out individual solutions for each client. This means that we are looking for solutions that are most optimal and satisfying for a particular client. Our knowledge and experience combined with passion, creativity, diligence and integrity enable us to provide the highest level of legal services.

As qualified lawyers we act as counselors in front of all instances of general courts, the Supreme Court, administrative courts as well as administrative organs, prosecuting authorities or enforcement bodies. 

We are also mediators entered on the list of permanent mediators near the President of the District Court in Tarnow, providing services in the field of judicial and out-of-court mediation.

We provide our services in Polish and English.


Ewa Kocoł
Attorney at law

In 2013 I have obtained a degree in law which I completed at the Faculty of Law and Administration of the Jagiellonian University in Krakow. I defended my Master's thesis in the Department of Criminal Law and Medical Law. In the years 2014-2016 I was attending a lawyer's training course at the District Bar Association in Krakow, ending with the attorney's exam. In 2017 I was entered on the list of advocates of the District Bar Association in Krakow. I gained my professional experience working with law firms in Krakow, Tarnow and Dabrowa Tarnowska. I am currently a postgraduate student in the field of medical law and bioethics at the Jagiellonian University.I am a mediator entered on the list of permanent mediators near the President of the District Court in Tarnów.

Field of interest: civil law, family law, medical law, criminal law, public procurement law.

Tomasz Kocoł
Attorney at law

In 2013 I have obtained a degree in law which I completed at the Faculty of Law and Administration of the Jagiellonian University in Krakow in 2013. I defended my Master's thesis in the Department of Environmental Law. I am also a graduate of the School of American Law, organized by the Catholic University of America and Columbus School of Law in cooperation with the Jagiellonian University. In the years 2014-2016 I was attending a lawyer's training course at the Regional Bar Council in Krakow, ending with the attorney's exam. In 2017 I was entered on the list of advocates of the Krakow Bar Association. In 2022, after completing full-time doctoral studies, I defended my doctoral dissertation entitled "Responsibility for damages in water law", obtaining a doctorate in law. Since 2012 I have been working as an expert with the Polish Accreditation Commission, which is a unit evaluating the quality of education in Polish higher education institutions. I combine the provision of legal services with employment as an academic teacher at the Tarnow Academy.

Field of interest: civil law, commercial law, administrative law, environmental law, law of higher education, public procurement law.


We provide legal assistance in a wide range of legal areas. The following areas of practice are just a sample of what we can do for you.

  • damages claims and remedies
  • contractual obligations (breach of contracts)
  • services related to the legal service of building works contracts
  • claims from consumer contracts (withdrawal from contract, price reduction, warranty, guarantee)
  • cases of inheritance
  • property issues (right of prescription, dissolution of co-ownership, easements, property protection)
  • total or partial incapacitation
  • debt recovery
  • representation in enforcement proceedings
  • declaration of bankruptcy
  • real estate register cases
  • divorce
  • separation
  • marriage annulment
  • division of property
  • matrimonial property regimes
  • child support
  • limitation, suspension and deprivation of parental authority
  • paternity suits
  • actions beyond the scope of the ordinary management of the property of the minor child
  • adoption
  • representation of the suspect in the preparatory proceedings
  • the defense in court
  • representation of victims
  • representation in enforcement proceedings
  • representation in deliquency proceedings
  • registration proceedings
  • drafting and giving opinions on agreements, resolutions, orders and minutes of meetings of company bodies, associations and foundations
  • drafting legal opinions
  • appeals and complaints against administrative decisions and other administrative acts
  • representation in administrative and court administrative proceedings
  • cases related to the investment and construction process
  • solving and fixing the employment relationship, payment of wages, determination of entitlement to benefits from ZUS and KRUS, responsibility of employee and employer
  • drafting contracts
  • preparing and giving opinions on work regulations and other employee documentation
  • compensation for medical malpractice
  • cases concering patient’s rights protection
  • representation during proceedings in the Regional Comitee for Adjudication of Medical Occurrence
  • providing legal services for health care institutions and entrepreneurs conducting business in the field of medical services, including representation in the contracting procedure before the National Health Fund
  • comprehensive legal services for contractors and contracting authorities in public procurement proceedings
  • representation of clients before the National Board of Appeal
  • representation of clients in court proceedings relating to investment obligations
  • customer representation in the course of control proceedings, including preparation of objections to control protocols
  • consulting the stage of preparation of the offer, including the preparation of requests for clarification of the content of the Terms of Reference
  • providing legal assistance in completing documents or explanations
  • preparation of appeals, complaints and information about the breach of contract
  • preparing or consulting internal regulations concerning the award of public contracts (public procurement regulations, tender committee regulations, the so-called "subliminal orders" regulations)
  • preparing drafts of statements including answers for contractors’ questions and explanations of content of SIWZ
  • preparing responses to the appeals
  • -services related to the legal aspects of environmental impact assessment, waste management, including hazardous waste, gaseous or particulate emissions, emissions trading, water management and waste water disposal, noise protection and electromagnetic radiation
  • services related to the granting of environmental permits
  • liability for environmental damage, with particular regard to group proceedings
  • remediation of post-industrial areas and environmental damage
  • preparing drafts of documentation of the internal quality assurance system
  • drafting of the statute
  • preparing drafts of study regulations, financial assistance, charging fees, release from fees for educational services
  • preparing drafts of contracts for the provision of educational services
  • judicial and out-of-court mediation
  • mediation in civil, family and economic matters.
  • payment requests
  • conducting court proceedings for payment
  • representation in enforcement matters
Terms of cooperation
Services offered by our law firm are not subject to a pre-determined price list. The amount of remuneration for the case is determined on a case by case basis, taking into account the complexity of the activities undertaken, the time consumed and the value of the subject matter of the dispute.
The remuneration of the law firm may be determined in the form of a flat rate or hourly rates, as well as their supplementation in the form of the success fee in the event of a favorable outcome for the client. In justified cases, it is possible to distribute the installment debt.

Approximate price for services provided by our law firm can be determined before the meeting with one of our lawyers but in order to give the final cost, it is necessary to familiarise us with the case documents.

Clients that are interested in legal advice can also briefly describe the matter and send a description electronically to the indicated email addresses or leave a message using the contact form below.

We encourage our clients to make inquiries by phone or e-mail about expected remuneration.

It is also important that in the event of a successful conclusion of a court case, there is a possibility of demanding a refund of the costs of the trial, including the costs of legal representation (attorney's fees).


Contact form

I agree to receive from Ewa Kocoł, conducting business activity under the firm Kancelaria Adwokacka Adwokat Ewa Kocoł, ul Stanisława Konarskiego 7/5, 33-100 Tarnów, NIP: 8711772965, REGON: 367834063 or from Tomasz Kocoł conducting business activity under the firm Kancelaria Radcy Prawnego dr Tomasz Kocoł, ul. Stanisława Konarskiego 7/5, 33-100 Tarnów, NIP: 9930562613, REGON: 368512479, commercial information and offers by electronic means or by correspondence, using the provided email address, telephone number and address (optional field):

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Office data

Law office
ul. Stanisława Konarskiego 7/5
33-100 Tarnów
E-mail: sekretariat@kancelarietarnow.pl

Ewa Kocoł
Attorney at law

Tel.: 783 960 481
E-mail: ewa.kocol@kancelarietarnow.pl

Tomasz Kocoł
Attorney at law

Tel.: 667 705 071
E-mail: tomasz.kocol@kancelarietarnow.pl